What you wish you get when you just dare to take … small concrete measurable steps.

2016 has arrived and many have set their goals for 2016. For me they have been put in place for some time now and I know where I am going. I am still Travelling in Health and take pride in keeping my self up to date in the newest about personal development and health. Therefore I have reserved some time for trainings worldwide.

So back to objectives

Do you feel that you are stuck and just running around in a hamster wheel?
Does it seem that everyone else knows what they want, from life, but not you?

It’s about mindset and objective.

There are many studies around target setting. The people who know what they want and write them down, are also those who reach their targets. They have a READY plan for how they will get there with small steps.

Studies show that if you only have your goal inside your head, there is approximately a 6% chance that you will succeed. If you write it down, there is a 33% success rate. And furthermore if you tell it to someone else, the success rate is 59%. If you have someone who will support your goals, the success rate can be as high as 89%! It gives food for thought.

Another important factor is to take small steps. The point is that one small step can change your whole life. One tiny step is all that is needed.

Lad os sige, du vil slanke dig, det vil mange efter nytår. Det første lille bitte skridt kunne være at hoppe på stedet 10 x. Ikke mere end det. Det snyder din hjerne og hjernen føler det er overkommeligt. Hallo – 10 hop, det kan jeg sagtens klare – ikke sandt? Havde jeg sagt 100 hop, havde du sikkert haft modstand på det?

Eller du befinder dig et sted eller er i forhold, der ikke længere er optimalt, og du har svært ved at finde ud af, hvad du vil. Da kunne et lille skridt være at tage det første tog, bus, fly væk og få et andet perspektiv på livet. Du behøver ikke rykke alle teltpælene på en gang, det er det jeg mener. Bare en tur op på bjerget med et andet udsyn, kan hjælpe. Og så er du klar til at tage den derfra.



Another effective technique is visualization. It is a technique where you envisage exactly what you want. It brings you inside your mind and this can change your brains chemistry. It forms new connections between cells to produce exactly what you have visualized. That way you can train your brain to develop a new set of skills that it needs to fix it.

For example you could start with:

  • What tiny step can I take now to reach my goal?
  • What tiny step can I take now to improve my health?
  • Which job would make me proud, give me joy, and give me economical connections to freedom?

If the question you are asking is too large, you run the risk that the body goes into combat / escape mode, so the cerebral cortex shuts down. It brings anxiety, because the issue is too scary and big.

Ask the same small question again and again until you get answers. Then sleep on it, and allow your instincts to deal with it, in the cerebral cortex, and in its own magical way generate a response when it is ready.
  • How can I become lean and fit?
  • How can I be strong?
  • How can I become economical independant?
  • If your health is your first priority, how can you begin to manage it today?

You can reinforce your health, with a few dietary changes that are easy and tasty. You could take a10 minute walk or participate in yoga, cycling, or tennis. Take time to practice some meditation, attend lectures and workshops, all to help you approach your goal.

Once you have visualised your goals and begun to take small steps, you can ask that magic question:

Am I approaching my target?
Or am I moving in the opposite direction?

This will help you to navigate. May 2016 be full of good educational challenges, for you. My New Year wish for you is that you reach your goals – one step at a time.

Happy New Year

Vitafakta team – Pernille Knudtzon

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