
Ironman is a team sport

When I started my journey into the world of the triathlon about 6-7 years ago, I never imagined that I would get so far.
At the beginning I did not pay much attention to the bigger picture, focusing only on myself. I often heard various “pros” talking about how they had whole teams to help them achieve their goals. They often spoke about how they could never live the dream without this support.


Ironman er en teamsport

Da jeg for efterhånden 6-7 år siden startede min rejse ind i triathlon, havde jeg aldrig forestillet mig, at jeg ville få så mange med. Da jeg startede tænkte jeg ikke synderligt på, at inddrage andre end mig selv. Jeg hørte ofte at diverse “proffer” snakkede om, hvordan de havde hele teams til at støtte op omkring deres mål. De fortalte ofte, hvordan de aldrig ville kunne udleve deres drøm uden denne støtte.
